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  7. CP4S Configuration Tool and Firmware 3.8.0 (newest version)

CP4S Configuration Tool and Firmware 3.8.0 (newest version)

ATTENTION. Please read the attached instructions before updating your firmware. 

NOTE: If you’re using CP4S with a SIM and connected service, please consult your telematics provider or SmartWitness before attempting to update your device firmware. In this case, the firmware update can be much more easily applied to your device using the Smart API over-the-air update service. 

Firmware Version 3.8.0 offers various optimizations, bug fixes, and new features. While version 3.8.0 can be applied to CP4S devices without updating the device setting.ini configuration, some settings may not work properly. It is recommended to update both the device firmware and the CP4S setting.ini file using the updated configuration tool below. Please reference the CP4S configuration tool PDF guide attached to this article.

Config Tool: https://smartwitness.com/software/CP4S_Configtool_3.8.0.0.zip

Firmware: https://smartwitness.com/software/CP4S_firmware_3.8.0.zip

CP4S Firmware upgrade Instructions
CP4S Configuration Tool Guide

Updated on February 28, 2023

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